Me and lovely participants at a course I ran this Summer at Stratford Museum in the Park.
I am now well ahead of organising painting and sketching courses for 2014......Lots of variety of subject and medium. They are all set in fab venues......... from wetlands to beautiful historic gardens. If there is anything that you like the look of, please get in touch or give me a ring to have a chat.
7th February 2014 - 9.00 a.m – 1.00 p.m - ” A Microscopy Taster Session…..” - A unique chance to see into the secret world of Lepidoptera and other Invertebrates. A joint venture between Butterfly Conservation and Cath. 50% of all course proceeds will be donated to Butterfly Conservation.
28th March 2014 - Centre for Science and Art, Stroud. "A Fascinating Insight into the Secret World of Bees" This microscopy sketching course is run by Cath, in association with The Society of Biology. It also pays homage to bees, but has a much more scientific approach. Students will be dissecting and preparing their own bee specimens for sketching purposes. Learn more.....Society of Biology/Cath Hodsman Bee Sketching and Dissection Microscopy Course .......and for those who this is relevant to, this course is also worth 18 CPD points
25th April 2014 - "How to Paint a Butterfly" - WWT Slimbridge This water colour painting day is a unique and absorbing course aimed at both lovers of painting and of entomology, especially butterflies! You don't have to be an expert at either, but you need to be fascinated by both!
6th June 2014 - Painswick Rococo Gardens, The course is called "Beautiful British Bees" A painting and microscopy course. Click on the links for more information.
11th July 2014 - "How to paint Dragonflies" - WWT Slimbridge This water colour painting course will pay homage to one of the oldest and most mysterious insects - dragonflies and damselflies. Stunningly beautiful and awesome hunters, participants on this course will study this insect in all of its glorious detail and beauty, whilst producing an intricate and unique water colour painting.
Friday 3rd October 2014. 9.00 - 4.00 - "How to Paint Lepidoptera" A water colour painting day - A joint venture with Butterfly Conservation - 50% of all course proceeds to go to this great conservation group. This course is aimed at Lepidoptera experts who would like to learn how to pay homage to these wonderful insects through the medium of art.
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